Date(s) - 11. November 2022
18:30 - 21:00
Categories No Categories
Unser Dachverband Swiss HEMA hält am 11. November um 18:30 die Generalversammlung in Bern:
Zentrum Sport und Sportwissenschaft (ZSSw)
Bremgartenstraase 145
Raum C001
Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich, stimmberechtigt sind die Delegierten, d.h. auch eine Person von HADU.
Dear Swiss HEMA Members,
We are pleased to invite and confirm to you to our ordinary General Assembly which will take place on Friday, 11.11.2022, 18:30, and will begin at 19:00.The full address is:Zentrum Sport und Sportwissenschaft (ZSSw)Bremgartenstraase 145ZSSwRaum C001No Swiss Gathering event will take place, only the GA. We received candidatures for the committee renewal, and warmly thank these people.The GA is open to the public, but only the delegates can vote, if the annual fees are paid.The definitive agenda is enclosed, and we will provide you with the commission’s reports on site, as well as the other documents.I warmly thank the Commission’s heads for sending their activity report.On behalf of the Swiss HEMA Executive Committee,
Guillaume BrunschwigSwiss HEMA President
Swiss HEMA – General Assembly 2022
Date / TimeFriday, November 11st, 2022 – 19:00
Place Bern
1. Welcome, and secretary nomination for the assembly
2. Last year report approval
3. Reports
• President’s report
• Treasurer’s report
• Accounts verifiers reports
• Commissions reports
➢ Tournaments
➢ Instructors
➢ Openness & Safeguarding
➢ Safety
➢ Media
4. Committee’s approval and discard
5. New statuses and/or modifications
6. President, treasurer, and committee election
7. Accounts verifier nomination
8. Annual membership fee setting for 2023
9. Members: new admissions, revocations
10. Diverse and individual propositions
11. Closing